Yes, you can. The fact that some time has passed after the break up will actually help you. Here is a simple 7-step formula that will get you your ex back - if that is what you want.
1. Greet your ex warmly, as a very close friend - your ex is used to have that special place in football jersey
your heart. Let him/ her see your eyes light up when you see him/ her. Let your ex know through your body language and action that he/ she is still super special for you.
2. Revive contact - get him/ her to talk to you over a cup of coffee or a glass of wine; enquire about his/ her whereabouts, how he/ she has been; what is he/ she doing now; and all such details. Become a part of his/ her life.
3. Forge a warm friendship - by this time your ex would have no fears about emotional involvement with you and his/her guard will be down. Forge a warm friendship and actively build on it. Let your ex know at every opportunity that he/ she is still a very special person in your life.
4. Work out ways to go out/ work together - you may invite your ex to Vikings jersey
come with you over a weekend business cum pleasure meeting to a close-by place; you could ask them over to help with some professional stuff you are stuck with; etc. Let these invitations not be romantic dates; but nonetheless let the chemistry unfold gradually every time you meet.
5. Call your ex over for dinner - cook a meal for dinner and call your ex over; alternatively, you could organize a DVD of something that interests you both and have food brought in while you watch your show.
6. Ask your ex on a date - invite him/ her out on the pretext that you found this superb place that offers your ex favorite dish, or something very special and you want to treat your ex to it. Be extra romantic and sweet at this date.
7. Announce your feelings for him/ her - if your ex walked along with you all these steps, he/ she too has feelings for you. This is the time to say it; and you will have him/ her in your arms.
You have had your days and then you Colts jersey
broke up and went your way. Suddenly, after what seems an age you run into your ex and as your eyes meet, your heart does a somersault. You still have feelings for your ex; what can you do now? It's been so long; can you even hope to get him/ her back?