
5 Steps To Make Money Online

Making money online is very easy if you know what to do and nfl jerseysyou do it correctly. Follow these 5 steps, apply the secret and you will see the money rolling in as if you are printing it.

Step 1: Find a product to promote at Clickbank.com.

Clickbank is a place where thousands of people sell their digital products online. It is also a place where more than 100,000 other people help these product owners to get more sales by promoting their products in exchange for a high commission for each sale the promoter refers. The promoters are called "affiliates". In this system you're going to be an affiliate for one of these products.

Step 2: Buy a domain name and have it redirected to your affiliate link.

In case you don't know, a domain name is a website address e.g www.yourcompany.com.

And an affiliate link is your personalized link that you football jerseygive out when promoting a product. A typical clickbank affiliate link looks like this: http://yourusername.theproductownersusername.hop.clickbank.net . If your clickbank username is richardjames and the product owner's clickbank username is stopcancer. The affiliate link becomes: http://richardjames.stopcancer.hop.clickbank.net.

Just register a domain name that is related to the product you want to promote and have it redirected to your personalized affiliate link.

Step 3: Set up a mini blog and post a highly positive review of the product.

Go to Blogger.com and set up a free blog. A blog is a mini website. What you are doing is setting up a 1-page website and hosting it with Blogger.com absolutely free.

Write about 4 or 5 paragraph "review" of nfl throwback jerseysthe product you're promoting. Talk about how great the product is. Give your review an eye catching title. At the end of your review simply write the name of the domain you just bought.

Step 4: Do a traffic assault.

You need to get visitors to read your review blog. Without them you're not going to make any money.

The following are ways of driving traffic to your blog:

Free classified adverts

Pay per click adverts

Social networking

Market specific blogs.

Step 5: Watch the money roll in as if cheap nfl jerseysyou are printing it and start all over again repeating those steps.

